


Mission Peak 春と夏の景色

ベイエリアでは11月頃~3月頃が雨季でこの期間はよく雨が降るのですが、それ以外の時期にはほとんど全くと言って良いほど雨が降りません。 サンノゼから少し北に行ったところにMission Peakという人気のハイキングトレイルがあり、この山は雨季に青々と成長…

Load modules in Node.js

When we create modules in Node.js, we can use "module.exports" or "exports" objects. However, I didn't understand the difference of them. In this article I have sorted out when to use each object. Note: I don't mention the detailed differe…

React Quick Start Cheat Sheet

I came up with a new web application idea, and I tried to use React in the development this time. Although React has a rich document for developers, I don't have good memory. Therefore I always take a note when I study a new library to rem…

React Quick Startを簡単に復習できるサンプルコード

Webアプリのアイデアがふと思い浮かんだので、開発するときにこれまで使ったことのないライブラリを導入してみようと、Reactに挑戦しています。 Reactはドキュメントが充実していて大変素晴らしいのですが、私は物覚えが悪いので一度読んでもすぐに忘れてし…

Object Oriented Programming in JavaScript

Although I'm familiar with Object Oriented Programming (OOP) as I has been using Java for a long time, I've never tried to use it in JavaScript. When I researched OOP in JavaScript, I found it a little complicated because there exist a few…

Error Handling in JavaScript

When we handle exceptions in Java, it is common to declare classes which extend Exception class and make conditional branches with instanceof operator. As far as I researched about how to do in JavaScript, there are mainly two ways. Extend…